Channel: Joanna The Healer - Channeler, Self Mastery Coach
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: envyemotinal triggersshadowegocouragespiritual journeyhow to overcome fear5dhow to deal with stressfrequency healinghealingenergy healingego deathspirit guidespsychic predictons tarot readingparadigm shiftjoanna the healerdetachmentkarmaconsciousnessdecember 2020unconscious mindspiritualitypositive energy vibrationsspiritual awakeningascensionhow to deal with angermeditationjoanna the mediumdecember 21selfintergalacticactivation
Description: #PickACard #JoannaTheHealer In This Video Deal with THIS before moving forward || Pick A Card || Channelled Messages 🌸 FREE Masterclass & Transformational Tools: 🌸 Private SESSIONS/ENERGY HEALING: 🌸 email: 0:00 Intro 0:22 Welcome/Intentions for this session 4:10 FREE Transformational Tools & Masterclass 7:50 Current Energies & Collective Messages 51:25 Pile 1 1:00:52 Pile 2 1:12:52 Pile 3 🌸 If you wish to donate: ===================================================== Some Other Best Videos ➤ What Is Solar Eclipse Bringing To You - Channelled Messages - Pick A Card ➤ ➤ Big Shifts Coming Your Way - Channelled Message - Pick-A-Card ➤ ➤ How To Take Your Power Back - Channelled Message (and pick-a-card) ➤ ➤ How Your PAST LIVES Effect You NOW! - Channelled Message🌸 ➤ ➤How The Universe Is Supporting You Right Now - Channelled Message❣️- Pick A Crystal ➤ ➤What's Ahead In The Next 3 Months - Channelled Message (Pick A Card) ➤ ===================================================== ❣️ Cards used in this session: Wisdom of the Oracle - Sacred Power Reading cards - Psychic Tarot for the Heart - Some or all of these links may contain Amazon product referral links, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. If you decide to use them, I would be very grateful, if not I am always grateful to your kind visit to my channel ❤️ 🔥IF YOU'RE NO LONGER RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS FROM MY CHANNEL, PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE AND RE-SUBSCRIBE AND PRESS THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON. YOUTUBE MADE SOME UPDATES LAST WEEK AND PEOPLE HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS. In addition to being a Channeler, Energy Healer and a Self Mastery Coach, I am also a Professional Counsellor, Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist (RCCH) and a Certified Master Life Coach (CMLC). THANK YOU FOR WATCHING AND SHARING! Category People & Blogs Category People & Blogs #pickacard #truth #abundance #magent #deep #understanding #love #manifestation #intention #purpose #lawofattraction #spiritual #tarot #oraclecards #lightworker #guidance #lifepath #soulpath #souljourney #spiritmessages #channelling #channeling #healer #mediumship #power #lessons #powerful #messages #future #shift #self #power #empowerment #selfawareness #soul #multidimensional #confidence #mindfulness #selflove #heart #chakras #selfimprovement #confidence #awakening #healing #collectivemessage #newyou #breathwork #intentions #distortions #selflimitations #higherconsciousness #horoscopes #psychicreading #higherself #empower #ascension #joannathehealer